Sunday, October 23, 2005

German Politics: Turning a Corner

Germany is abuzz regarding Edmond Stoiber's mad verbal assaults on his supposed ally, Angela Merkel. Stoiber, the irrepressibly pompous head of the CSU, has never come to terms with Merkel's leadership of the Conservatives. Even before the "grand coalition" has started ruling, he seems to be promising it will come apart at the seams.

Actually, I think Stoiber's theatrics are a sign that the grand coalition is going to succeed. Merkel and the pragmatic wing of the CDU must be inching their way toward a common agenda with the pragmatists in the Social Democratic Party. Why else would Stoiber be taking up position as the populist right-wing whiner in residence? He is planning to be the standard-bearer for the loyal opposition.

All good. Whatever else one may think about Merkel, she's not the kind of politician to be easily swayed by worries of an internal revolt. She's not burdened by (West German) history and old personal debts, like her fellow Conservatives. One could easily see her building a new base of support in the political center.

The only important question is: Are the Social Democrats commited to working with her, or is this just a temporary, tactical alliance?


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